Landasan Pesawat Dan Helikopter Terunik Di Dunia
1. Tioman Island, Off The Coas Of Malaysia
2. A Rock, Of the coast of Greenwood ( Canadian Military Labrador Helicopter)
3. Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec
4. Macao International Airport
5. Wake Island, Pacific Ocean
2. A Rock, Of the coast of Greenwood ( Canadian Military Labrador Helicopter)
3. Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec
4. Macao International Airport
5. Wake Island, Pacific Ocean
Silahkan berkomentar sobat-sobat ku, ^.^
Tapi jangan komentar hal-hal yang tidak etis, kasar, berisi fitnah, atau berbau SARA ya.., hohoho...
Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya... ^0^!