Episode Komik Tersadis
Episod Tersadis "Doraemon"
![Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page. undefined](http://ridu.wordpress.com/files/2009/10/doraemon-parah-ridu.jpg)
Episode Lainnya: (ridu)
![Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page. undefined](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w319/rieducation/kompekdis/Kompekdis09.gif)
![Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page. undefined](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w319/rieducation/kompekdis/Kompekdis26.gif)
Silahkan berkomentar sobat-sobat ku, ^.^
Tapi jangan komentar hal-hal yang tidak etis, kasar, berisi fitnah, atau berbau SARA ya.., hohoho...
Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya... ^0^!